
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Telling Your Family You Eloped

Unbeknownst to family and friends, some engaged couples come to Hawaii and elope.  What does it mean to elope in Hawaii?  Eloping isn't what it used to be.  I've seen couples have an elaborate wedding minus the wedding guests..and that's considered an elopement.

Couples elope for many reasons.  One of the most common is because they don't want to deal with the hassle of family and friends telling them what to wear, how to stand, who to invite, etc.

So now that you've eloped, how do you tell family and friends the big news?  Here are a few tips:

  • Tell them asap - To soften the blow, make sure you inform the special people in your life as soon as possible.  That way, you don't risk them hearing it from someone else and all $%^&* break loose.  You can do this by sendin gout wedding announcements to everyone who would have been on the guest list.  Email a quick announcement to your address book or tell all your friends on Facebook with one easy post and photo.
  •  Plan a celebration - Just because you eloped in Hawaii doesn't mean that you can't have a small celebration once you get home.  If you don't want to throw a big reception, simply host a small dinner at a local restaurant or throw a backyard picnic.  Either way, family and friends will be thankful that they were included in some way.

So, do you plan to elope in Hawaii?  If so, give me a call and I'll coordinate it all for you.  All you'll have to do is show up and say "I Do."

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